রুরাল পাওয়ার কোম্পানী লিমিটেড (Company Secretary, Junior Assistant Manager- Chemical)
http://rpcl.teletalk.com.bd, রুরাল পাওয়ার কোম্পানী লিমিটেড, Company Secretary, Junior Assistant Manager-chemical,
rpcl.teletalk.com.bd. The procedure directing other link of photo & signature, recovery of invoice, p a y m e n t s t a t u s , a d m i t Card for applying is instructed b e l o w :
1. Use any web browser to go to RPCL website (www.rpcl.gov.bd) or directly to http://rpcl.teletalk.com.bd to get to the RPCL
application webpage.
2. Select<Radio button > for RPCL application on post & click on
NEXT to proceed the application.
3. Only RPCL employees’ will be considered as departmental candidates. To ensure it the departmental candidates will put tick mark on the upper right side of the application.
4(a). Application form contains both of normal and mandatory info field as per RPCL requirements to fill up where missing/escaping any field the software remind you to do that appropriately. At the end of the application page applicants are to upload JPEG/JPG format photo
300x300 pixel where file size not more than100 KB & signature
300x80 pixel where file size not more than 60KB.
4(b).After rightly filling in the rest of the information required in the application form and uploading the jpeg/jpg color photo & signature as well as required information, the applicant will see a
<Submit> button.
4(c).After successful uploading, applicants are to type validation code for security purpose and admit the undertaking clicking the option & submit the application.
4(d).Successful submission shows applicants an applicant’s copy with information provided by applicants of their own major with an USERID that is very important to keep for the next step to deposit fee. The applicant can print the preview of applicant’s copy.
Applicants submitted online application and received USERID are to frame a SMS by a Teletalk Prepaid mobile phone likely:
a) 1st SMS: RPCL<space>USERID & Send to16222 Example: RPCL BNPQMG Send to
Reply: Congrats applicants addressing Name allotting a personal identification number (PIN) informing amount of fee to deposit for RPCL application program for recruitment.
b) 2nd SMS: RPCL<space>YES<space>PIN & Send to16222 Example: RPCL YES 33489234 Send to 16222
Reply: Confirms applicant of fee submission and allot a USER
ID & PASSWORD unique to every applicant.
a) By logging using individual’s unique USERID & PASSWORD
Applicants can download admit Card.
b) Submission of online application form & deposit of fee service is open round the clock until further instruction by RPCL.
N.B: Admit card download time line will be notified through SMS.
For further information, visit the RPCL website
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